One hundred years of wisdom: 12 lessons from a centenarian on his birthday

In this month’s post, we’ll cover:

  1. A conversation on transgenerational resilience. 

  2. Wisdom from a centenarian on his 100th birthday.

  3. Twelve lessons to live by based on 100 years of wisdom.

  4. Reflection on how your family has influenced your development.

  5. Family gratitude. Family first, always.

Transgenerational trauma can wreak havoc on our lives. It can feel like there’s little or no control over the hand we’re dealt. But what about transgenerational resilience? 

The exciting flipside to our parents’ and grandparents’ difficulties is that they develop specific mechanisms of resilience within us. I’ve benefited from this unique effect, and I encourage you to reflect on your family history to see where you might have acquired your capacity for resilience.

Recently, I commemorated a remarkable milestone with my grandfather, Anthony (Tony) Meyer, who turned 100 on April 7th. Gathered in his home in Kent, England, surrounded by my extended family, I embarked on a journey through a century of wisdom. Over three days, I had the honour of delving into his life story during extensive interviews.

Tony's life was one of privilege intertwined with hardship—a testament to the resilience ingrained within him. From brushes with death, including battles with typhoid fever, a severe riding accident, and being hit by a mortar bomb in World War II to the triumphs of family and career, his story is a testament to resilience and perseverance.

During our time together, I posed a series of thought-provoking questions, each aimed at unravelling the threads of his experiences. From regrets to reflections on the best and hardest decades, from defining achievements to profound failures, we explored the rich fabric of a life fully lived. Through his answers, I discovered surprising insights and timeless wisdom that will continue to shape my life.

As I reflect on our conversations, I am reminded of the invaluable lessons distilled from a century of lived experience. These lessons serve as guiding stars, illuminating the path toward resilience, purpose, and fulfillment in our own lives.

The following excerpts from our conversations will leave a lasting impression on me, which I hope you find valuable and insightful:

  1. Embrace Going Above and Beyond: Make it integral to your identity, not just your actions, in all aspects of your life.

  2. Serve Others: Contribute meaningfully to society, personally and professionally.

  3. Practice Humility: Acknowledge your good fortune and opportunities.

  4. Skills are Superior to Titles: Prioritize education over status.

  5. Take Risks, but Don’t Gamble: Assess downside risks judiciously.

  6. Maintain Physical and Mental Fitness: Your health influences your capabilities.

  7. Uphold Integrity and Trustworthiness: Essential for your character.

  8. Assess People Wisely: Judge your alignment and their trustworthiness.

  9. Balance Ambition with Realism: Opt for feasible plans over blind optimism.

  10. Acknowledge the Role of Luck: Balance calculated risks with appreciation for good fortune.

  11. Cultivate Gratitude and Nurture Talents: Focus on your strengths.

  12. Honour Family and Roots: Family first, always.

As I reflect on my grandfather's remarkable life, I'm struck by the profound impact of familial traits and experiences. Until recently, I hadn't fully grasped the depth of wisdom and fortitude ingrained in my extended family, traits that have undoubtedly shaped my own resilience.

When questioned about my ability to maintain positivity in the face of adversity, particularly following my spinal cord injury, I now attribute much of my mindset to the legacy of resilience passed down through generations.

I urge you to delve into your own family's narrative, considering the attributes, attitudes, and aptitudes woven into your heritage. We are, after all, a product of our familial bonds, shaped by the stories and struggles of those who came before us.

The time spent with my grandfather has been nothing short of transformative. I count myself immensely fortunate to have had the opportunity to glean insights from a century of lived experiences—a privilege that has left an indelible mark on my life. 

I hope that by sharing these lessons, you too are inspired to embark on a journey of self-discovery, gaining a renewed perspective on what truly matters in your life.

Supporting Resources:

Braga, L. L., Mello, M. F., & Fiks, J. P. (2012). Transgenerational transmission of trauma and resilience: A qualitative study with Brazilian offspring of Holocaust survivors. BMC Psychiatry, 12(1), 134.

Share this message with those who need a reminder that greatness lies within their grasp. Let's embrace the challenges, learn from our missteps, and forge ahead toward a future filled with limitless possibilities.

If this resonates, don’t hesitate to reach out or book a call with me!

And grab a copy of Never Part of The Plan if you haven’t already. :)



Mike Shaw


Turning Stress from Adversary to Ally